Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Brown eyed girl

First I have to say I must be nuts because any place I go I am always looking for colored walls...teal being my favorite! So when I saw these walls at our son's T-ball practice I had to bring my camera and my dirty little girl. White pants and 2 year olds do not go together :)

This is the face I get anytime I try to get her to smile at the camera. She must hate the camera by now LOL.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy V-Day!!!

I just wanted to share a couple pictures of the kiddos. Whenever I am having a hard time I can look at those cute faces and remember that I am beyond blessed by God. They are so sweet. I am one lucky mommy.

I have been wanting to try piggy hearts with my girlie for so long. Brenda did it with her daughter and I thought this is too cute. I love her blog.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

2 Moms, 4 Kids, 1 Photographer and a bag of lollipops

What a fun shoot I did today! These kids were so cute and the moms were great. They came prepared with a bag of red lollipops. I am not sure how many each kid had or if they took naps after the sugar high. I do know that they had lots of fun.