Sunday, August 19, 2007

Mike and Corrine

I have to explain this picture...the Father of the bride gave one of the funniest speeches ever. It was so funny that at one point Corrine just had to put her head down on the table. The entire time that the speeches were being given the sun was setting. Pam and I were dying to get a few pictures of the couple right at sunset. By the time we could get up to take the pictures the sun had just set, but we still got great shots.

What a great wedding and funny rececption. Pam and I had such a great time with these two! It's was fun doing a wedding with some of my best friends there as guests and the rececption kept me laughing the whole night!


Anonymous said...

These look great guys! You totally ROCK!!

Krista Lucas said...

i love the first one! and the sunset is so gorgeous! nice work, as always!! :)

gwynethcolleenphotography said...

hey cherie, i tagged you on my blog!

Anonymous said...

i love these.
the big panties are a hoot.

Lisa Bravo said...

I love the photos, but my favorite are (3) the one with the sun setting of course, the one with the veil over you guys and the one where you are going up the stairs!!! NICE.. I also like the one where you see nana and everyone under the tent!

Great Job to the photographers!

Lisa Bravo said...

Hi guys: these photos are awesome, but my favorite are (3) the one where the veil is over you two.... the sunset one of course and the one with the stairs....

Very nice indeed.