Saturday, August 16, 2008

My Day!

Well today is my birthday! I have to admit I do not like making a big deal about my birthday. I like to keep it simple. So I started the day shopping with my mom in law then we took the kids to Victoria Gardens for lunch and a smidgen more shopping. The kids played in the fountains and we even got a head start on Christmas shopping.

No, Kim was not thrilled about taking this photo :(How about wisdom on the sidewalk? We were walking around and noticed this. Doug wanted to write it down for his therapy practice, but I has a better idea. I photographed it. What's funny is this is so true of my life right now. It looks like we are making a big changes in our lives. Ryan is starting private school soon and although I am excited about him going to school, I will miss having him by my side all day long.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cherie!! I love to visit your heart is always touched by your words, your life, your images...the quote is so true. Hope you made a wish! :)

Liz said...

Awwwwww....happy belated birthday!!!!! :)

Krista Lucas said...

happy birthday! your kiddos are too cute!!

Holly Havenhill said...

happy bday!

Sarah said...

Happy Bday, a little late! :)

Hay, I wanted to tell you about a photo contest that Apple is doing - I just saw it on their home page

Not sure if it's anything you're interested in, but you are on a roll, winning photo contests lately! Plus you ARE quite amazing ...

Also, I need to send you more links for Kimmie school stuff, so what e-mail address should I use?? I have several (maybe 15?!) ...
for now, check out this one:

If you can get past the really brilliant photography (heh) on the front page, there seems to be a wealth of useful stuff on that site. I have more ...
