Saturday, November 1, 2008

halloween in review and a bit of news

7:00 am- rush around like mad trying to get Ry in his costume and leave for school
9:00am- get back home and get Kim in her costume...think about doing my hair and makeup
11:00am- pick Ry up from a min day at school
12:00pm- go trick-or-treating in downtown
1:30pm - doug gets home and I have a nice chat with in florida
3:00pm- go for a drive to get Kim to sleep
5:00pm- sit around trying to decide what to do for the night
6:00pm - head off to church
7:00pm- go to the park by our house to play games
8:00pm- 9:00pm- more trick-or-treating around our nieghborhood
10:00pm- put two tired kids, that ate too much sugar in bed!!!
next day- try to figure out if there is such a thing as a candy hangover in kids? We had at least 3 good crying fits and heard several times "can I have candy?"
Overall it was tons of fun! We counted 361 pieces of candy this morning! What do you do with all of that?

Okay now for the news...I am making some big changes! They will take a while and may affect our website, photocart and email. If you have any questions email me at I can't wait for it to all be done, but until then we are working hard trying to get everything up and running!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the changes.....Happy Fall! :) xo