Friday, April 25, 2008

sleep, baby sleep

The best thing about my friends having babies (other than the fact that I get to snuggle the babies and give them back when they cry) is that I get to photograph them! This little girl is the new baby sister to two older sisters and one big brother. They will have the funnest house as these kids grow up. They will never be bored!

I had to take a couple pictures of the older kids playing around. My kiddos love playing at their house.


Anonymous said...

The first shot is awesome!!!

Amanda Trumper said...

They're all beautiful!! You are sooo super talented!

Masters Rental said...

Beautiful pictures. What a precious baby!

Krista Lucas said...

sweet baby! hey-i'm moving to california in a couple months, so maybe we can do some shooting! (i'll be in the malibu area) let me know...leave a comment on my blog or something!

Sarah said...

man that baby is CUTE! I'll bet her momma is one good lookin lady!

Stacey said...

These pictures are amazing.