Monday, May 12, 2008

How do I say thank you?

How do I thank God enough for my two little gifts? I have to say that this is my new favorite photo of them. We went out to get a few pictures of them for the Gram's mother's day gifts. Well in the midst of taking pictures with the attempt at getting them to both smile at the camera, I made "K" mad telling her to put her skirt down. She closed her eyes and leaned up next to "mr R" who held her....all on his own. They are pretty cuddly most of the time. They are amazing kids. I am so blessed to be able to stay at home with them ( we give up a lot to do it) and homeschool "R" If I could just stop them from growing and keep them this size...I would do it!


Anonymous said...

Your kids are so loving and kind... doesn't surprise me that you were able to get a shot like this! :)

Sarah said...

sweet, sweet ones. mmm!
Hey, I stumbled across another kid-photographer's site:
I don't have your eye, so I can't really say if she's very good or not .... just that a few of the babies she took pics of are very cute!! :)
(of course, not as cute as YOUR kids. or mine either. :))

Rebecca said...

Hey! I found you on Flicker and have spent entirely too long going through your photos and then blog (which I have now added to my feed...)

What a GREAT blog! Sweet (and adorable kids!) and good thoughts. Just being here gets me INSPIRED, so you picked a good name! ;-)

Anonymous said...

that is just a priceless picture of them! Enjoy it now they do grow up way to fast. Mine are 10 and almost 13 now and I'm not sure how that happened?