Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The grateful project

Today seems like a good day for me to share about the grateful project. A couple of photographers that I know started the "grateful" project with a picture and a story about why they are grateful. This is really good for me. I need to take the time to remember the many reasons I am blessed and grateful. So here is todays...

Today I am grateful for 5 little hands grabbing for cookies. For a kitchen that has no idea what granite is. For being that house where the neighborhood kids show up at and say "what are we going to make today?" For being "that" Mom that always has something handy to bake. For 5 kids running around a small house (not all mine of course :) For the giddiness I feel about the thoughts of the weather cooling, fall decorations, costumes, back to school, leaves changing colors and pumpkins on my big old front porch. I am grateful!

BTW did you notice the cookie with a smile?


A. Reed said...

I just came across your flickr stream today and checked out your site. Isn't God good. I too started my photography business last year and got my first SLR in October. He's just good. Love this post! I think I may have to do one!

sandie jo salisbury said...

I love this post! probably because I love this time of year. I'm so gonna do a grateful project of my own! I just need to go get some pumpkins!